Contact Us

Through education, youth and women empowerment, charitable assistance, and disaster relief, we strive to build a brighter future for all.

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With compassion, dedication, and collaboration, Shibli Trust aims to uplift the underprivileged, break barriers, and foster sustainable change through positive action across Pakistan.

We are committed to empowering individuals and communities across Pakistan through charitable assistance, capacity-building programs in universal education and vocational training, and providing resources, opportunities, and support to assist people realize their full potential and lead independent, fulfilling lives.

Empowerment through education and social welfare programs encapsulates the miscellaneous components in the broad scope of Shibli Trust’s mission, which includes provision of merit scholarships and accommodation to the deserving youth, mentoring communities through vocational training activities, round-the-year charitable assistance campaigns with an emphasis on food and meat hamper distribution during the holy month of Ramadan and on Eid al-Adha, and disaster relief. Our scope conveys a message of unity, empowerment, and progress, inspiring our donors and volunteers to join hands and work towards a brighter future for all whom we can reach across Pakistan.

You can write to the CEO to know more about Shibli Trust and its current projects across Pakistan. Inquiring about our mission, goals, and target beneficiaries can provide insight into your areas of interest and impact the efficiency of the charitable activities Shibli Trust undertakes and aims to achieve. As Shibli Trust, we engage in open dialogue for a deeper understanding of our work, values, and the ways in which you can contribute to the betterment of the underprivileged across Pakistan.

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We Would love To Engage With You

Together, we can empower minds, inspire dreams, and build a nation of opportunity and resilience.

How Can You Participate?

Frequently Asked Questions

Our foremost mission is to transform lives through charitable assistance and sustainable development programs, kindle potentials through mentoring, universal education and vocational training, and build resilient communities across Pakistan.

You can contact our offices in Islamabad and Lahore, and/or send an e-mail to for further information.

No noble contribution goes unacknowledged; donors and volunteers are conferred certificates to affirm and applaud their contribution and charitable sense.

Please send an e-mail to for press related inquiries.

Trusted and Cherished By Thousands Across Pakistan

A much-lauded charitable organization

Through education, youth and women empowerment, charitable assistance, and disaster relief, we strive to create a brighter future for all we reach across Pakistan. With compassion, dedication, and collaboration, we aim to uplift people, break barriers, and foster sustainable change through positive action.